Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fancy Frostings at Meeker Days

We are in! Meeker Days in Puyallup, June 19th-21st! Happy to say, that we need to get busy! My sisters Haley and Beth along with my mother and myself are going to have a booth there called Fancy Frostings Life A Little Embellished... it will have everything from fancy baby clips, bibs and tutu's to embellished baby wipe cases, watches and leg/arm warmers for infants and toddlers! I'm so excited to be apart of this you have no idea! Anyone who knows me knows that my sisters are the ones that have the nack for making average things outrageously cute, I'm hopeing that it will rub off on me ASAP!!! Anyways look for our blog coming soon! www.fancyfrostings.blogspot.com!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!! I am pumped for it! And especially for you to come out and craft like crazy with me. Aren't you soooo excitied???!
